
To better understand your needs and improve our website accordingly, offering you a more effective and personalized service by remembering your preferences, and overall enhancing your experience, we collect information such as the number of visits to our site, the most frequently viewed pages, and details on access to our secure website. This information comes from server logs from which we compile general statistics to improve our site and the services we offer to our clients.
Since the adoption of Bill 25 in Quebec, website owners are required to obtain your consent to use or store cookies on your computers or mobile devices. This cookie policy provides you with clear and comprehensive information on the use of cookies and their purposes.

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer when you visit websites. They are generally classified into four categories:

Essential Cookies

These are crucial for allowing you to navigate the site, use its features, and access the services you request. Typically, consent is not required for these cookies.

Performance Cookies

These collect information on how visitors use a website, including recording the most viewed pages (usually anonymously).

Functionality Cookies

These remember your preferences, such as your username and preferred language.

Advertising or Targeting Cookies

These gather information on your browsing habits and are generally placed by advertising networks with the authorization of the website owner.

How to Delete or Block Cookies?

Most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. Unless you have changed your browser settings to refuse them, our system will record cookies on your computer whenever you visit our site. You can refuse them by activating the corresponding option in your browser settings. Furthermore, you can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting cookies via your web browser settings. For detailed instructions, please consult the options or preferences in your web browser’s Internet settings.
● Mozilla Firefox ( )
● Microsoft Edge ( )
● Microsoft Internet Explorer ( )
● Opera(
● Apple Safari(
● Brave (
If your browser is not listed, please visit its website.
Please visit (new window) for tips and useful information on managing cookie settings.
To find out more about cookies stored on your cell phone’s browser, please refer to your device’s manual.

Email Communications

Our email communications may contain a « pixel tracker, » especially during promotional campaigns, that tells us if our emails are opened and verifies clicks on the links contained in the emails. We may use this information for various purposes, including establishing which of our emails interest you the most and asking users who do not open our emails if they wish to continue receiving them.

Cookies Used

List of cookies and their purposes

Cookie Retention Period

Details about how long cookies will be stored

Third-Party Widgets and Services

Information about interactive elements, sharing buttons, or mini-apps that may collect your IP address and store cookies.

External Website Links

Our website may contain links to external websites, and their privacy policies may differ from ours. We are not responsible for their practices.


If you decide to restrict the recording of cookies, you may not be able to access certain parts of the website. By continuing to use our website, you consent to the recording of cookies on your device.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our cookie policy, please contact us at

Policy Updates

This notice takes effect on September 21st, 2023, and supersedes all previous versions. We are committed to keeping this cookie policy up-to-date to reflect technological advancements and changes in regulations.